Our good friend and ally

Yet more evidence that Guantanamo Bay is the “gulag of our times“: “More than half of the terror suspects being held at Guantanamo Bay have not been accused of committing hostile acts against the United States or its allies, two of the detainees’ lawyers said in a report released Tuesday. “Compiled from declassified Defense Department…

News bytes

– Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez tells Tony Blair to “go right to hell” and accuses him of being a “pawn of imperialism.” – The Danish editor of “those” cartoons interviewed neo-con and Islamophobe Daniel Pipes in 2004. – John Howard thinks the Greens are offensive. This is clearly much more problematic than sending a country…

Bring back that dictator

The head of Israel’s domestic security agency, Yuval Diskin, proves Israel’s belief in Middle Eastern democracy: “When you dismantle a system in which there is a despot who controls his people by force, you have chaos. I’m not sure we won’t miss Saddam.”

The game with no end

While Nato dismisses the possibility of Israel entering the club as a “security umbrella” to protect the Jewish state from Iran and the World Jewish Congress launches a campaign against the Islamic state, John Pilger explains that the Western powers are preparing for a war of aggression: “Like the invasion of Iraq, an attack on…

Revenge is a two-way street

Amira Hass, Haaretz, February 8: “The attempt to explain to Israelis that such acts of vengeance are puny compared to the intensity of the Israeli assault on every individual, and against the entire Palestinian community, is doomed to failure. On a daily basis, Israel attacks every Palestinian with systematic variety. The aggregation is lethal, even…

Moving to the left

Eva Morales, Bolivia’s first indigenous president, explains why his country will continue to cultivate coca: “You have to realise that, for us, the coca leaf is not cocaine and as such growing coca is not narco-trafficking. Neither is chewing coca nor making products from it that are separate from narcotics. The coca leaf has had…

They’re only Muslims, after all

Israel proves its expertise in cultural sensitivity: “A dispute over the fate of an ancient Muslim cemetery in Jerusalem threatened Wednesday to ignite tensions in Holy City as workers removed skeletons from the site despite Muslim pleas for the work to end. “Israeli developers and archaeologists are removing the tombs to make room for the…

The blame game

While the over-heated debate continues over Iran, some uncomfortable facts are surfacing: “The George W. Bush administration’s adoption of a policy of threatening to use military force against Iran disregarded a series of official intelligence estimates going back many years that consistently judged Iran’s fear of a U.S. attack to be a major motivating factor…

Deliberate distortions

Following the recent controversy over Macquarie University’s Centre for Middle East and North African Studies and its simulation programs, Director Andrew Vincent responds in this week’s Australian Jewish News (February 9): HEAVY-HANDED BOARD “The NSW Jewish Board of Deputies has been successful in pressuring the NSW Department of Education to cancel Middle East simulations for…

News bytes

– Hysterical hack David Horowitz – a man rather fond of a former oil man – has just released a new book, “The Professors: The 101 Most Dangerous Academics in America.” It promises to be a challenging read. One of his targets, Robert Jensen, has already responded and reminds the rabid Zionist that questioning the…

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