Jobs for the mates

The Bush administration likes to tackle terrorism in its own special way: “State Department officials appointed by President Bush have sidelined key career weapons experts and replaced them with less experienced political operatives who share the White House and Pentagon’s distrust of international negotiations and treaties. “The reorganization of the department’s arms control and international…

A lot of hot air

Israeli Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni openly admits the failings of the Jewish state: “When a state is being led by terrorists, then that state is going to become a terror state. The international community has certain conditions when it comes to such a situation.” Or something like that. She was meeting with US Secretary of…

Run to the hills

Voices of reason emerge over the cartoon controversy: “Thousands of Muslims are expected to attend a rally in London at the weekend to protest at both the publication of cartoons defiling the image of the Prophet Mohamed and the response of Islamic extremists. “Muslim leaders will use the demonstration to call for calm and urge…

Find the evidence or shut-up

Former Guantanamo Bay inmate Mamdouh Habib says he was defamed by the Murdoch press: “His barrister Clive Evatt QC today showed the four-person jury a series of articles published by The Daily Telegraph on April 20, 2002, which branded Mr Habib a suburban terrorist. “Mr Evatt said the front page story and other ‘hard-hitting’ articles…

An impossible thought

Let’s hope and pray that former UN weapon’s inspector Scott Ritter is wrong about these comments about war with Iran: “First, American forces will bomb Iran. If Iranians don’t overthrow the current government, as Bush hopes they will, Iran will probably attack Israel. Then, Ritter said, the United States will drop a nuclear bomb on…

Borders to peace

Israeli’s Acting Prime Minister Ehud Olmert – and likely future Prime Minster – has announced his plans if Kadima wins the March 28 election. The Jewish state must “separate” from the Palestinians, he claims. An independent Palestinian state is impossible, however, if these ideas are implemented: “We will hold on to the major settlement blocs…


Daniel Pipes reminds readers that some Muslims aren’t so bad after all: “It is a tragic mistake to lump all Muslims with the forces of darkness. Moderate, enlightened, free-thinking Muslims do exist. Hounded in their own circles, they look to the West for succour and support. And, however weak they may presently be, they eventually…

Because we can

While a poll conducted by the BBC World Service finds Iran and the US having “a negative influence on the world”, Richard Perle, a key backer of the US-led war in Iraq, offers some gems on Iran and suggests that the West shouldn’t wait too long before embarking on military action: “If you want to…

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