Discouraging signs

While Hamas looks to Latin America for possible sources of future funding, a new poll, conducted by Zogby International and covering people in Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Morocco, Jordan, Lebanon and UAE, offers some unsurprising results: “One of the significant findings of his latest poll was that Arab citizens, by a margin of 75 percent, did…

Move over, Uncle Sam

Julia Day, The Guardian, February 3: “Arabic-language media have an unprecedented chance to take over as the world’s premier news source because trust in their US counterparts plummeted following their ‘shameful coverage’ of the war in Iraq, a conference heard today. “The US media reached an ‘all-time low’ in failing to reflect public opinion and…

Flying over

Kurt Bassuener, International Herald Tribune, February 1: “If the West is serious about stopping the mayhem in Darfur and offering real protection to the uprooted civilian population, it needs to summon the fortitude to cease treating Darfur as collateral damage of the Iraq war and other policies that create friction with the Muslim world, and…

Collective action required

Leading Jewish dissenter Shraga Elam argues that the Hamas win in the Palestinian elections will in fact worsen the situation for Palestinians: “The sweeping electoral victory of Hamas is primarily a triumph for the Israeli government and a big defeat for Palestinian interests. The international pressure on the Palestinians is growing. If Hamas will not…

Dancing with the devil

Is the leading Murdoch pro-Howard broadsheet starting to turn against him? “John Howard says he did not know AWB was paying bribes to secure sales of wheat to Iraq. He says his ministers did not know either. And the same goes for officers of the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade. If it is established…

A marriage made in hell

Israel may need friends, but perhaps this group is best avoided: “A leading US evangelist is forming an umbrella organization under which all pro-Israel Christians in America can speak as one in support of the Jewish state.” They see themselves “as a Christian version of AIPAC [the American Israel Public Affairs Committee.] The group plans…

“We” are no better

Britain is serious about human rights, Tony Blair tells us. Except, of course, if it involves war criminals or retired Israeli generals: “The government is considering weakening laws designed to capture alleged war criminals and torturers who enter Britain, after pressure from the Israeli government, the Guardian has learned. “The changes would bar individuals from…

Equal time

Abu Tir [former Hamas militant ranked No. 2 on last week’s list of candidates in the Palestinian elections], Newsweek, February 6: “My message to the West – to America, to Europe, to everybody – is this: Hamas wants peace. We hate bloodshed and killing. We don’t want to fight. There is a verse in the…

Buckle up

The Washington Post reports on the latest pronouncement from Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld: “The United States is engaged in what could be a generational conflict akin to the Cold War, the kind of struggle that might last decades as allies work to root out terrorists across the globe and battle extremists who want to…

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