Two peas in a pod

A recent report confirmed that a quarter of Israelis are poor and now another study, by the Center of the Study of Israeli Arab Society of the Van Leer Jerusalem Institute, finds even worse results for Arabs: New book reveals more than half of Arab households in Israel live in poverty, Arabs discriminated against in…

Where are they?

Don Wycliff is the recently departed Public Editor of the Chicago Tribune. One of his last columns for the papers was titled, “Secrecy’s corrosive effect in terrorism case.” Though he outlined the suspicious case against supposed terrorist Muhammad Salah, his deeper focus lay in wondering why Americans had little or no understanding of the Palestinian…

The rejection of Zionism

The Church of England recently announced it would review its investments in companies whose products are used by Israel in the occupied territories. Chief UK Rabbi Jonathan Sacks criticised the move and claimed the decision would only inflame relations between the two religions. Anglican churchmen have now responded. Canon Paul Oestreicher, a leading member of…

News bytes

– The Murdoch press offers a textbook case of inaccurate reporting on Latin America. Note how every issue is framed around problems for the US, rather than potential benefits for the Latin American people. – Russia’s chief rabbi condemns the country’s gay pride march. “Sexual perversions” have no right to exist, he said. When an…

Poverty rules

Despite constant claims that Israel is a thriving democracy in the heart of the Middle East, the country is in fact in decline: A quarter of Israel’s citizens are poor, according to the National Insurance Institute (NII) poverty report released yesterday. In spite of the growth of the economy over the past year, almost 46,000…

The worm turns

During the recent Cronulla riots, a former detective by the name of Tim Priest became the darling of the anti-Muslim rabble. So-called Middle-Eastern crime – explained here in Quadrant – “will have an impact on society unlike anything we have ever seen.” Priest was a peddler of hate, a supposed expert on the reasons certain…

Begging bowl

Since launching this new site, my monthly costs have slightly increased. As you’ll see, I’m featuring a Donate button. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. I’m not a journalist for the financial rewards…but I really enjoy eating crunchy, fresh vegetables. Thanks.

The risks ahead

James Cotton is a Professor of Politics at the University of New South Wales at the Australian Defence Force Academy. His latest essay, Australian Foreign Policy and the management of intelligence post September 11, is essential reading. The politicisation of intelligence will be one of the many stains on the Howard era. With Iraq becoming…

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