They said, he said

In light of the Iranian leadership’s views towards Jews and the Holocaust, a German Muslim group is hitting back: A Muslim cultural institute in Germany on Monday criticised Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad for disparaging the Holocaust, daring him to visit the Auschwitz concentration camp. “In this place of horror he can again deny the Holocaust,…

Picking a fight with the wrong side

Federal Labor MP Michael Danby – bully and Zionist apologist – believes that cartoonist Michael Leunig was being deliberately offensive to Jews when he supposedly compared Nazi Germany to present-day Israel. Writing to online magazine Crikey, Danby complains about anybody daring to defend Leunig against such charges: “I am writing to strongly disagree with Charles…

Dealing with “terrorists”

The West doesn’t deal with terrorists, until, of course, it does: “The British government has a terrible dilemma. Should it refuse to deal with radical Islamic movements altogether, and so risk alienating large parts of the Muslim world, or should it make overtures towards the leaders of these movements and face down accusations that it…

New image needed

Aluf Benn, Haaretz, February 16: “In 2006 an ideological alliance has emerged between liberal circles in Europe and the conservative, fire-breathing Iranian president. Both describe Zionism as a European effort to get rid of the hated Jews of the old world at the expense of the Palestinians; both accuse Israel of exploiting the European Holocaust…

Kick the British out

Dr Jasem al-Aqrab, head of organisation for the Iraqi Islamic party in Basra, The Guardian, February 16: “Since April 2003, the people of Basra have consistently been bemused by reports that they and their city enjoy a state of calm and stability under the command of the British forces, in contrast to the north of…

Degrees of evil

Cartoonist Michael Leunig – yesterday defending his anti-war stance – has received further grief from Age letter writers: Leunig’s complaint Aside from the fact that it was falsely submitted on his behalf, it is hard to understand why Michael Leunig is so distressed that one of his cartoons that was rejected by The Age was…

Hamas blues

My latest article for New Matilda is about the recent Hamas win in Palestine and the global ramifications: “Western, embedded, self-appointed terror ‘experts’ chose to interpret the win as confirmation that the Palestinians are committed to the eradication of Israel. It is nothing of the sort. It is but the latest success for political Islam…

Robert Fisk in Sydney

Following my appointment in late 2005 to the board of Macquarie University’s Centre for Middle East and North African Studies, I’ve helped secure an event by the Middle East’s finest Western journalist. Robert Fisk to give public lecture at Macquarie University On March 10, bestselling author and journalist Robert Fisk will give a free public…

News bytes

– A Chechen perspective on the Danish cartoon controversy. – Murdoch’s Australian writes, with a straight face, “The media must not become the tool of propagandists.” Unless, of course, it’s defending the Indonesian military, state terror or Israel. – Former Age editor Michael Gawenda claims that cartoonist Michael Leunig has an unhealthy sense of victimhood.…

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