Some threat

While an Australian MP fears the country may become a Muslim nation – and implies that only non-Muslims can truly be called Australians – our favourite Islamophobe Daniel Pipes gleefully analyses a declassified US government from 1946. The report concludes that, “Muslim states represent a potential threat to world peace”. After all, nations led by…

New basketball rules in the Middle East

Rule 1: Israelis have the right to play on both sides of the court, whereas Palestinians can only play on their own side. Rule 2: For security reasons Palestinians do not have the right to pass the ball between players, the ball could hit an Israeli player. Rule 3: There will be no basket on…

Some kind of friends

On the one year anniversary of the assassination of Lebanese figure Rafiq Hariri, Robert Fisk asks some questions and finds uncomfortable answers: “The Americans, deep in distress in their occupation of Iraq, have hatched a deal with the Syrians. In response to a request that the Iraqi Shia leader Muqtada Sadr keep his distance from…

I’ve moved

I’ve moved to a new website. This site will remain alive, but will not be updated. New comments will no longer be accepted. My new blog can be found here. It was time to upgrade, modernise and move on. Please join me.


This is my new blog home. My old site remains alive, though all your blogging needs will now be satisfied on this site. We’re still ironing out some bugs, so please be patient for a short while. The comments system is different. Every new user must first register and be approved, but after that, you…

The truth comes out

The Guardian’s Israel correspondent, Chris McGreal, has produced some of the best reporting from the region. His latest reports (part one and part two) discuss the long-standing relationship between South Africa and the Jewish state and the similarities between apartheid South Africa and present day Israel. This series is some of the finest journalism I’ve…

News bytes

– Craig Murray – the UK’s former ambassador to Uzbekistan and now critic of the “war on terror – is facing hurdles in publishing his forthcoming book. The letter from the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office is a shameless attempt at censorship and intimidation. – Dick Cheney accidentally misses his intended target – himself. –…

Targeting somebody, anybody

John Pike, a military analyst at GlobalSecurity.Org, argues that the Bush administration should rename its ideological struggle, The Forever War. “‘We’re in the 17th year of The Long War,’ he says, arguing the U.S. has been in perpetual combat since it intervened in Panama to remove Manuel Noriega from power in 1989. “‘Since then, we…

Bad omen

David Frost, The Observer, February 12: “But I think when viewers watch al-Jazeera International, they will be closer to watching CNN.”

While the world waits

While Israel’s supposed leftist Labor Party prove their dedication to the extreme Zionist cause, the UN releases a report on the ongoing trauma of the occupation: “Israel’s separation wall and its network of checkpoints and roadblocks across the occupied West Bank have led to a ‘de-development’ of the Palestinian economy, a report by the Office…

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