What Was Blair Up To?

My latest column for New Matilda is about Western acceptance of Israeli brutality in Palestine:

So, where to from here? When I wrote my book, My Israel Question… in 2006, I argued reluctantly that a two-State solution in Palestine was probably the best option because a majority of Israelis and Palestinians appeared to support it. Now, in the updated edition of the book,… I question my own prejudices and conclude that a bi-national State… is both more ethical and likely.

The reasons are deceptively simple. There is little likelihood that Israel will give up its addiction to land acquisition in the West Bank anytime soon — indeed, Western policies are helping the Jewish State complete its colonial project. In a matter of years, Palestinians will outnumber Jews in both Israel and Palestine, making Jews a minority. This is an apartheid State by definition, as Israel will still rule over millions of Palestinians.

My New Matilda archive is here.

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