Be afraid of the hype

The next time you hear something about the apocalyptic threat from Islamic terror, remember this: Almost all the terrorist attacks in the European Union in 2006 were unrelated to Islamist terror, a new report reveals — but the potential impact of an attack aimed at mass casualties made Islamist terrorism a top priority for European…

Bombing, Zionist-style

The love affair between Israel and America continues: The US Congress on Friday approved the purchase of weapons and technological systems from Israel’s defense industries for $700 million. The advanced technological products will be acquired as part of the American security budget for the coming year to be used by US forces in Iraq and…

The “It” factor?

Barack Obama’s speech in Iowa is receiving a great deal of media attention. And it’s not hard to see why (sure, who knows if his fine words would ever be matched in reality, but his determination to end the corporate control of Washington is admirable, if probably unrealistic):

What we aren’t hearing about Iraq

Dahr Jamail, author of the stunning book Beyond the Green Zone, takes questions from firedoglake blog readers in the US. Despite the mainstream media recently reporting that Fallujah was on the way to recovery, a reality check from Jamail: Fallujah today remains largely destroyed. I have an Iraqi colleague who I continue to do stories…

Talking to friends and enemies

The internet has undoubtedly democratised the public space, allowing a range of voices previously silenced or ignored. But what has been the net result of this process? Freedom of choice is not always good for democracy. This observation is at the heart of University of Chicago law professor Cass Sunstein’s book “ 2.0” (an update…

The growing power of resistance

Gideon Levy, Haaretz, November 11: The group of reservist paratroopers returned all astir: Hamas fought like an army. The comrades of Sergeant-Major (Res.) Ehud Efrati, who fell in a battle in Gaza about two weeks ago, told Amos Harel that “in all parameters, we are facing an army, not gangs.” The soldiers of the Israel…

The best of the worst

Guantanamo Bay, some facts: Number of books in the Guantánamo detention library: 5,143. Personal items provided to detainees upon departure: a Koran, a denim jacket, a white T-shirt, a pair of blue jeans, high-top sneakers, a gym bag of toiletries and a pillow and blanket for the flight home. Number of daily calories per detainee:…

Getting to the heart of the matter

The Columbia Journalism Review recently hosted an important event about the role of journalists in Iraq and their ability to report the truth: Four of the journalists featured in Reporting Iraq—Deborah Amos (NPR), Anne Barnard (New York Times/Boston Globe), Ali Fadhil (translator turned documentary producer), and Elizabeth Palmer (CBS News)—joined us for a roundtable discussion…

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