The legacy awaits

Craig Unger, author of The Fall of the House of Bush: The Untold Story of How a Band of True Believers Seized the Executive Branch, Started the Iraq War, and Still Imperils America’s Future, Harpers, November 19: Already, the Iraq War has cost nearly 4,000 American lives, hundreds of thousands of Iraqi lives, hundreds of…

For and against Chavez

During my visit to Iran in June this year, I noted the unhealthy relationship between the Latin American left and the regime of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. The international Left have remained generally quiet on this issue, refusing to chastise Venezuelan leader Hugo Chavez for cosying up to the Islamic Republic. My friend, journalist Rodrigo Acuna, has…

The future is bleak

Leading investigative reporter Seymour Hersh: Barack Obama represents the only hope for the US in the Muslim world. We’re facing two or three decades of problems in the Mideast, with 1.2 billion Muslims. They say the surge [ in Iraq] has worked. But do you think someday we will get an oil deal in Iraq?…

Broadcasting troublemakers

Expressing dissent in China can be a costly affair, but this hasn’t stopped more groups stepping up the pressure on the Communist leadership: Most days, Xiang Dong leads a life typical of this city’s suburban office worker. But at nights, he takes on another persona: China dissident. The bespectacled Mr. Xiang, a 38-year-old father of…

Addicted to “Jewish” land

Gideon Levy, Haaretz, November 18: A festive day for peace: Israel is planning to announce a freeze on construction in the settlements as compensation for refusing to discuss the core issues. The Palestinians are ecstatic at all the good-will gestures Israel is throwing their way. First came the release of prisoners, now a freeze on…

A Jewish block

Zvi Bar’el, Haaretz, November 18: When Israel approves a new, constraining law in honor of the [Annapolis] conference and on the Palestinian side the expression “Jewish state” becomes a minefield, one gets the feeling the conference will create more traps for the future instead of removing those of the past. The conference has already achieved…

Problems staying off-line

South Koreans love the internet (though it can sometimes lead to suicide and unwelcome gossip.) Now, groups are doing something about it: The compound — part boot camp, part rehab center — resembles programs around the world for troubled youths. Drill instructors drive young men through military-style obstacle courses, counselors lead group sessions, and there…

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