Israel must be a Jewish state. Discuss

Shulamit Aloni, Haaretz, November 15: The government of Israel, with all due respect, does not represent the Jewish people but rather the citizens of the State of Israel who elected it. Israel is a sovereign state, which is still considered to be a democracy. In other words, it is a state for all of its…

And then they came for us

Bobbie Johnson, Guardian Comment is Free, November 14: The suppression of online information is fast becoming a crucial political question, with China now the world’s second largest country on the internet population, and expected to overtake America within just a few years. As a result of such growth and success, Beijing is now setting the…

Let him own everything

Rupert Murdoch would like to own the New York Times. And why not? Isn’t it terribly unfair that one man can’t simply own all media outlets in a country? Poor Rupert. He’d probably really enjoy life in a one-party state where all the media is controlled by a central authority.

The price for supporting Palestine

Michel Shehadeh, San Francisco Chronicle, November 15: For the last 20 years, the U.S. government has accused me of being a terrorist. Along with six other Palestinians and a Kenyan, we were dubbed the “Los Angeles Eight” by the media. Our case even made it to the U.S. Supreme Court. On Oct. 30 – 20…

Spicing up your visit

Robert Fisk and The Independent are being sued for libel over an article that alleged a hotel in Beirut, the Mayflower -…  where I stayed in 2005, oddly enough – was where readers could find Lebanese militias. For the record, the Mayflower was a comfortable place with a bustling bar. Militias? They must have been…

No to Rudy

The reasons are many why former New York mayor and current Republican presidential candidate Rudy Giuliani should not be elected in 2008. The so-called “9/11 candidate” is a fraud. Start here.

Muslims in America

Forward, November 14: According to a national survey released by the Pew Research Center last spring, there are 2.35 million Muslims living in America today, which is chiefly the result of a major influx of Muslim immigrants that began in the 1970s. The current American Muslim population is roughly 65% foreign born, including 24% from…

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