Break free, my friend

Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul on Israel’s Washington dependence: Our foreign military aid to Israel is actually more like corporate welfare to the U.S. military industrial complex, as Israel is forced to purchase only U.S. products with the assistance. We send almost twice as much aid to other countries in the Middle East, which only…

Never getting over it

One would think that the unveiling of a mural of the late famed Palestinian thinker Edward Said at San Francisco State University would barely ruffle any feathers. But you’d be wrong. After all, hardline Zionists won’t accept any public expression of Palestinian identity.

From one torturer to another

One of America’s favourite torturing client states is at it again: The Arabic Network for Human Rights information and Hisham Mubarak Centre for Law sent a communiqué to the Egyptian Prosecutor-General , demanding to investigate into the issue of torturing Karim Amer in his prison. Karim who is an Egyptian blogger sentenced to prison for…

Mapping oppression

The explosion of social networking sites and Web 2.0 has changed the face of the internet. But in many countries around the world, repressive governments are restricting the ability of citizens to access a multitude of websites: But despite the potential of web 2.0, in regions ridden with censorship and where the state holds the…

A closing of rights

Iran, a lack of human rights: Iran’s Supreme Court has upheld a death sentence against a Kurdish journalist accused of offering to provide the United States with information on Kurds in Iran, his lawyer said Saturday. The ruling against Adnan Hasanpour, 27, upheld his original convictions in July for taking up arms against the ruling…

Zionists fail the secularism test

Philip Weiss, Mondoweiss, November 12: The endorsement by Pat Robertson of pro-abortion candidate Rudy Giuliani this week is widely seen as a sign that the evangelical Christian vote, which has scared the bejesus out of a lot of people in blue states for the last 30 years, is losing its monolithic power. Yay! But I…

Dealing with “hate”

Do internet search engines have a responsibility to remove “hate”? Google’s Israel head thinks not: Google is not the address for stopping online hate, the Israel director of the engine whose brand name is so well known that it means searching the Internet, told a conference on Monday. Organizers of the conference from the Anti-Defamation…

Being tough on terror (in the media)

The war on terror as a fishing expedition: A senior counter-terrorism officer with the Australian Federal Police has testified that police were directed to charge “as many suspects as possible” with terrorism offences in order to test the new anti-terrorism laws introduced in 2003. The admission was made by federal agent Kemuel Lam Paktsun, the…

The region has changed

Hamas Political Bureau Chief Khalid Mish’al, November 5, Damascus: The United States today is not the same as it was 10 years ago. Israel today is a different Israel than that of 10 years ago. The forces of resistance and opposition today are different than those of 10 years ago. The awareness of the people…

The tyranny of distance

The current crisis and violence in Venezuela – protests against President Hugo Chavez and his constitutional reforms – have received a lot of coverage in the West. But what is the real story there? A good friend and Latin American expert emails: Regarding the current crisis in Venezuela, I think the political right knows there…

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