Not the best advertisement for Serco in New Zealand

Mmm: Auckland’s Mt Eden prison operator Serco has been accused of bribing inmates with bigger helpings of food and televisions in their cells to encourage them to behave. The prison officers’ union, the Corrections Association, said that in addition to larger meals, Serco served dessert every night, unheard of in the State prison system, Radio…

You can only push “austerity cuts” so far and not expect payback

The rioting in Britain has shocked Britain and the world but it really should not. Is this about payback for years of police mistreatment, a powerful statement from those who feel ostracised from mainstream England or criminal looters? A little bit of everything. The Guardian expands on the social media aspect: In October 1985, on…

Defending BDS activists to speak out against the crimes of the Zionist state

Following news this week that the Victorian government is investigating the role of all those “radicals” who dare protest an Israeli business that backs an occupying army, today’s development is ominous and suggests a wider public campaign is required. If any establishment figure wants to charge people for speaking up for Palestine and highlighting in…

When corporate entities seduce the not-for-profit sector

Shameful behaviour in Britain that shows the collusion between privatised power and those tasked to care for the most vulnerable (via Open Democracy): Back in March, almost a year after the government had promised to end what Nick Clegg called the “shameful practice” of locking up asylum seeking families in conditions known to harm their…

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