Reporting tips for Murdoch’s Australian over Palestine, BDS and Gaza

Fair journalism is hard, isn’t it? Getting all the facts, putting them into sentences and writing them down accurately. I’m tired just thinking about it. The following article appears in today’s Murdoch’s Australian. The selectivity of the piece is startling but unsurprising: The NSW Greens have outraged Jewish leaders by organising a fundraiser cruise to…

How a Jew managed life inside prison with neo-Nazis

Fascinating and disturbing story (via the US-based Southern Poverty Law Centre) about the largely ignored reality of skin-heads, white pride members and bigots inside US jails: David Arenberg had everything going for him. He was smart, the son of a research scientist and a teacher. He graduated in 1980 from the elite University of Chicago…

BDS will continue to grow in Australia, regardless of comical attacks

The following statement was issued today by the Palestine Action Group (Sydney): Supporters of Palestine have responded to a May 2 report in… the… Australian… asserting that Max Brenner Israel has no direct shares in Max Brenner Australia as irrelevant to the solidarity campaign for justice in Palestine. Palestine solidarity activists are bemused that… the… Australian… has given front page coverage…

It takes skill to praise Israel caring for Palestinians (thank you Murdoch)

Today’s editorial in Rupert Murdoch’s Australian is a classic case of receiving a press release from the Israeli government and it somehow, mysteriously, appearing in the paper. Occupation is invisible. Hell, Israel is praised for cuddling Palestinians babies at West Bank checkpoints. Well, nearly. If the editors need some assistance to better understand the brutal,…

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