A bigot in their heart

Moshe Feiglin, a racist, rightist Israeli who represents the future of the Jewish state? From a recent Haaretz profile:

Feiglin dreams of a state guided by his perception of what the Jewish spirit means: a state that would remove all the muslim shrines from the Temple Mount, a state whose non-Jewish inhabitants would be entitled to become residents and to run their own municipal affairs, but not to determine the country’s fate. A state where the courts are not subject to the relativist values of the West, but to the absolute values that clearly distinguish between the good and the bad, where one is not punished for killing a terrorist who is tied up. A state that understands that we are not engaged in a “low-intensity conflict,” but rather in a world war that pits Jewish civilization against Muslim civilization, a war that must be waged by any and all means to defeat the enemy and ensure the triumph of the Jewish idea.

Imagine if an Israeli Arab dared imagine a future Israel where Jews could not determine their own fate.

When a Jew says this, however, the world turns a blind eye.

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