Australians discuss how Israel uses/abuses the Holocaust

The following letters appear in today’s Australian newspaper:

IT was shocking to read that Malcolm Fraser accused Israel of using the Holocaust to justify state-sanctioned murder (“Holocaust no excuse for murder: Fraser”, 27-28/2) .

No, it is not anti-Semitic to criticise Israel, but to suggest that the alleged killers of Hamas militant Mahmoud al-Mabhouh are hiding behind the Holocaust does look awfully like an anti-Semitic slur. The suggestion, which seems calculated to incite contempt, is as preposterous as it is gratuitous. No doubt al-Mabhouh was assassinated for the same reason that the US has been using drones to kill al-Qa’ida leaders in Pakistan, for al-Mabhouh was a self-confessed kidnapper and killer of Israeli soldiers.

Mark Durie
Caulfield North, Vic

DENIERS of Israeli and Mossad involvement in the killing of Mahmoud al-Mabhouh are delusional. The scale of the operation alone screams state involvement, so the Israeli Foreign Minister’s arrogant denial is risible.

Enough, too, of the tirade from supporters of Israel attempting to defend the indefensible! Political assassination, wherever it occurs, whoever is the victim, and whatever ruses are employed, is reprehensible.

Malcolm Fraser is right: citing the Holocaust in justification, and the perennial strident claims of anti-Semitism on the part of critics of state-sponsored murder, will no longer wash.

Graeme Noonan
Phillip Island, Vic

I WOULD imagine that intelligence agencies all over the world forge passports for their agents to use in secret operations. Whilst not condoning the misuse of Australian passports, may I suggest that the only mistake made here was to get caught doing so.

Dave Aldridge
Fullarton, SA

FOR half a century or so, Australian governments of various political persuasions have enthusiastically if indiscriminately joined in the US-led conga line of supporters of Israel. It’s now more than a little pathetic that Kevin Rudd and Stephen Smith should be acting all hurt that no-nonsense Israel has allegedly demonstrated its contempt for such a weak-kneed supporter by forging Australian passports to facilitate an extra-judicial death.

But does anyone really anticipate that Australia will move to a more balanced Middle East policy? Rudd and Smith should can their confected outrage: they’ll be back in the conga line just as soon as decently possibly.

Bob Curren
Kensington Park, SA