How to define Judaism, part 9742

Zionists are getting nervous, intolerant of opposing views in the West and Israel and increasingly attacked as an ideology that actively discriminates against Arabs.

Thankfully, an increasing number of Jews around the world are speaking out and articulating an anti-Zionist perspective that is as valid as Zionism, and far more concerned with human rights for all. A recently released book, If I Am Not For Myself: Journey of an Anti-Zionist Jew, by Mike Marqusee, is reviewed by New Zealand publication, Scoop:

In recent years, there has been a rise in explicitly Jewish anti-Zionist publishing and organising. Jews, both within Israel and in the diaspora, are increasingly moving away from a more passive, silent anti-Zionism towards outspoken attempts at engagement with the wider Jewish community, where a pervasive Zionism is the default political belief for most.

Mike Marqusee’s work follows in this trend, most recently seen downunder in Antony Loewenstein’s My Israel Question (Melbourne University Publishing, 2006). Where Loewenstein focussed on Australian media and political parties’ representations of Israel, and contained a wider history, analysis and critique of Israeli policies, however, Marqusee takes a much more personal stance.

The response by the official Jewish community and pro-Israel hacks the world over to such ideas is always the same. Smear the messenger, claim they’re irrelevant and deem them persona non-grata in “polite” company. Sound familiar? Being publicly opposed to the Israeli occupation of Palestine supposedly makes one a traitor to the cause.

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