Jose Maria Aznar, former Prime Minister of Spain and liar, offers a paper to the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs on “Europe’s response to the threat of global terror”:
If we trace the line between the West and the rest, Israel is on the same side as Europe, the U.S., Japan, and Australia. We defend the same values against the same enemies.
Aznar suggests NATO invite Australia to join its ranks in this “fight against jihadism.” His speech is as eloquent, and vacuous, as anything uttered by Tony Blair. Aznar wants to get tough:
I don’t believe in appeasement against terrorism. I don’t believe in negotiation with terrorism. I believe in the necessity to fight against terrorists. It is a very serious mistake to negotiate with terrorism. Terrorists should be frightened and defeated, and this is possible. No other policy exists for me.
Aznar may believe that he’s on the side of angels, but siding so closely with Israel is no answer to his wet-dreams. His picture of Muslim hordes wanting to destroy our beloved Western ideals is as misplaced as his messianic idea in “liberty, stability and democracy.” I wonder where invasion, occupation, torture and extraordinary rendition fit into all this?