Launching Declassified Australia

I’m excited to announce this (launched late last week and already generating a lot of interest both locally and globally so stay tuned for more soon):

The Australian media too often report the nation as a compliant ally of the US, the UK and the Western alliance but few ask questions about why and what it really involves.

Declassified Australia challenges this narrative by publishing in-depth, unique and largely hidden stories that reveal the reality of Australia’s relationships with both democracies and dictatorships. From the arms trade to whistleblowers, defence policy to surveillance, espionage to free speech, Declassified Australia also examines relations with Israel, China, Russia and other nations. Inspired by Declassified UK, the vital conversation includes articles by both established and new writers providing original and noteworthy content that uncovers largely unknown aspects of Australia in the 21st century.

Edited by investigative journalists Peter Cronau and Antony Loewenstein, Declassified Australia aims to provoke and inform. Tip-offs are welcome. We can be reached at [email protected]