Wet dreams of the right

Fascism, anyone? If President Bush copied Julius Caesar by ordering his army to empty Iraq of Arabs and repopulate the country with Americans, he would achieve immediate results: popularity with his military; enrichment of America by converting an Arabian Iraq into an American Iraq (therefore turning it from a liability to an asset); and boost…

Postcard from Iran

My following article appears in today’s edition of Crikey: The Islamic Republic of Iran operates in a completely different universe. Most Iranians are… utterly removed from Western stereotypes – the vast majority I have met are opposed to the authoritarian rule of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and his recent attempts to crackdown on all forms of opposition. That…

Middle Eastern “democracy”

Wael Abbas, Washington Post, May 27: Last Thursday, I returned to my country, Egypt, after several weeks in the United States on a Freedom House fellowship. I came home full of anxiety. I feared that the authorities would arrest me as soon as I set foot on Egyptian soil. That didn’t happen. But as I…

Why blogging matters

Following my essay in last week’s Sydney Morning Herald on how blogging has revolutionised information around the world, ABC Radio National produced a story last Friday on similar issues, and featured Iranian and Iraqi blogger friends (and yours truly). As I’ve said many times before, any writer/journalist/current affairs obsessive who doesn’t think that blogging has…

Don’t dare sue us

As the blogosphere grows in influence around the world, vigilance is still required: KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia: The decision by a leading pro-government newspaper to sue two prominent Malaysian bloggers for defamation was groundless and could stifle public expression, two international media watchdogs said Saturday. The lawsuits by English-language New Straits Times marked the first time…

The people are speaking

The world froths at the thought of Iran acquiring nuclear weapons (and hopes and pray that the Islamic regime is in fact lying about its oil wealth). As usual, the view of the Iranian people are routinely ignored by the Western media (and their views are, as expected, very diverse.) Hossein Derakhshan is one of…

Different voices needed

An interesting development at one of America’s major publications: Washingtonpost/Newsweek Interactive has announced the creation of a new collaborative blog called PostGlobal, which will unite eminent journalists and thinkers from around the world in an ongoing online discussion about the impact of politics, economics, policy and culture on international relations. Twice each week, Washington Post…

Oz media wimps out on Middle East balance

The following article appears in today’s edition of Crikey: Antony Loewenstein, blogger, journalist and author of the forthcoming My Israel Question (MUP), writes: There is one foreign affairs issue that remains virtually taboo in public debate. The close relationship between Israel and the US is almost universally avoided in the mainstream, Western press. When attempts…

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