Ah, liberation

Iraq is “liberated”. The people are thankful for the invasion and civilian casualties. Perhaps the new enemy is the onslaught of American culture. Riverbend explains the reality on the ground, media-wise: “Two years ago, the major part of the war in Iraq was all about bombarding us with smart bombs and high-tech missiles. Now there’s…

Lending a hand

Do you work in advertising? Keen to help the Empire further its “War on Terror?” Help the CIA attract the best of the best. One enthusiast was heard to say, “We’re trying to take the stoic, unfriendly image of the CIA and show people that it’s more approachable than they think.”

It’ll kill you

Eric Schlosser is an American journalist and author of Fast Food Nation: The Dark Side of the All-American Meal and Reefer Madness, an examination of marijuana, migrant labour, and pornography in the US. The revelations in Fast Food Nation was startling, such as detailing conditions at slaughterhouses in the US where meat for fast-food hamburgers…

Hall of shame

Which American media mogul has put their political and business interests ahead of the public? Cast your vote now!

Tony slaps the keys

Marvel at Tony Blair’s blogging skills! Be astounded by his wit, frivolity and highly scripted answers written by a (reformed?) Alastair Campbell, former svengali and “danger to democracy“?

Blogging conference call

Since when did Wesley Clark, former US Presidential candidate and NATO General during the “liberation” of Kosovo, conduct a conference call with carefully selected bloggers? On Monday afternoon, Clark spoke to Juan Cole, among others, and Cole writes his impressions here. Highlights include the charge that the US military thought in September 2002 that Iraq…

No friend of democracy

When George W. Bush, Tony Blair and John Howard talk about launching democracy onto an unsuspecting world, the establishment media takes furious notes then praises the leaders for their “vision.” Such is the case when selling military hardware to many of the world’s dictatorships. When America announced in March that it would be selling F-16s…

Killing legally

Executions around the world are nearing record levels, and the United States is among the four countries which account for 97 per cent of the total, a report by Amnesty has found. Nearly 4000 people were killed during 2004, including around 3400 in China. Kate Allen, Amnesty International’s UK director, said yesterday, “the death penalty…


Mark Thomson worked for 20 years with the Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID) and “had been proud to represent Australia in the arenas of international development. We have a good record of support for human rights.” He no longer feels proud of Australia’s attitude to asylum seekers and has started a blog detailing the…

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