Vigilance required

Freedom House is a US-based “non-profit, nonpartisan organization…a clear voice for democracy and freedom around the world.” Their latest report details the state of press freedom in the world in 2005. Notable setbacks were registered in the United States, the Americas and a host of other countries. Ukraine and Lebanon improved as did some nations…


Bob Hunter, founder of Greenpeace, has died. Long live the memory of a man who understood what humans were doing to the planet: “”An eco-shitstorm is coming…everything rests upon whether or not we come to terms with the politics of earth and sky, evolution and transformation. Otherwise, in our lifetimes, we shall suffer…the fall of…

What freedom?

Iraqi journalists are complaining of restrictions while trying to report fairly. Iraqi and American forces are making numerous arbitrary arrests, frequently without cause. “If things carry on like this, we will have to carry weapons along with our cameras and recorders,” said Israa Shakir, editor of Iraq Today, an independent Baghdad newspaper. “Under such circumstances,…

Disclose, disclose, disclose

Should bloggers have to divulge if they’re taking money to spruik political candidates or parties? The Washington Post investigates. It seems pretty clear to me. If you’re taking money from an individual or group and don’t reveal the source and reason why, you’re leaving yourself open to (justified) charges of being bought for positive coverage…

Lacking true self-criticism

Veteran political commentator Michelle Grattan gave a speech in Melbourne last night for the Deakin lectures. She argued that the relationship between media and politicians was at an all-time low: “When I arrived in Canberra in the 1970s, if you were armed with a Commonwealth Directory it wasn’t hard to get to know a lot…

Why not act now?

Darfur continues to be a major humanitarian disaster. Despite international attention on the continuing massacres, little concrete action is occurring. The Americans are hesitating to get involved for reasons less than noble, the UN prevaricates, the EU is pre-occupied with (rightly) fighting American hegemony (though this is hardly an excuse not to act in circumstances…

Autocrat dressed up as democrat

Former Soviet dissident Natan Sharansky has resigned from the Israeli cabinet due to his opposition to withdrawing Jewish settlers from Gaza and areas of the West Bank. “I consider the disengagement plan to be a tragic mistake that exacts a high price and also encourages terror,” Mr Sharansky told Israel Army Radio. The eccentric politician,…

Calling torture by its rightful name

As a Justice Department aide in January 2002, John Yoo wrote a legal brief arguing that fighters captured by U.S. troops in Afghanistan were not covered by the Geneva conventions. Woo is now a Professor of Law at Boalt Law School. He recently engaged in a debate at Columbia Law School with Columbia University Professor…

The prize nobody should want

The 2005 Orwell Awards have been announced, dedicated to “the worst violators of press freedom in the past year.” The local recipient joins an illustrious overseas winner. Both men have shown utter contempt for truth and fairness and frankly deserve an extended holiday in a country perhaps more suited to their temperament.

In memory of Debbie

Debbie Stach was an old friend. A questioning Jew who believed in the tradition of Tikkun, to heal, repair and transform the world. She became a doctor and dedicated herself to helping Aboriginal communities in the Northern Territory. She died in a car accident in South Australia in February 2004. I only discovered the news…

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