Taking the necessary stand

A recent letter sent by a brave Israeli, Jacob Katriel. President Lorna Mardsen, York University, Canada. Arbitrator Russel Goodfellow Dear Madames/Sirs, I am writing as a (Jewish) citizen of Israel, as a former officer in the Israeli army who took part in some of its wars (including those that I knew at the time to…

Welcome trouble is brewing

AIPAC is the leading Zionist lobby in the US, buying congressional support through financial largesse, intimidating any opposition and supporting a hardline Israel-first policy for the US administration. It has, however, recently run into some legal issues: “The AIPAC espionage scandal refers to allegations that information regarding United States policy towards Iran was passed to…

State terror in focus

Harold Pinter, winner of this year’s Nobel Prize in Literature, delivers a scathing acceptance speech: “The United States supported and in many cases engendered every right wing military dictatorship in the world after the end of the Second World War. I refer to Indonesia, Greece, Uruguay, Brazil, Paraguay, Haiti, Turkey, the Philippines, Guatemala, El Salvador,…

Speaking truth

Gerald Kaufman is the British Labour MP for Manchester Gorton. He writes eloquently and compassionately on the so-called peace process in the Middle East: “I recently returned from leading the first British parliamentary delegation to the Palestinian Authority. What we saw is never seen by ordinary, decent Israelis, like the citizens of Netanya – who,…

Moving on

My latest New Matilda column discusses the increasing necessity to ignore the mainstream media and source our information elsewhere: “Scott Burchill, senior lecturer in International Relations at Deakin University, recently in Margo Kingston’s Webdiary described the problem of insider journalism as an ‘intoxication of power:’ “‘Whereas in the past, the independence and integrity of journalists…

That’s what we mean by liberation

Leading conservative blog Powerline reveals something special about US freedom and liberty: “It’s good that Saddam has finally been put on trial, although it may have been better yet if he had simply been shot. The idea that his crimes need to be ‘proved’ – as though there were some doubt about them that could…

The questions

The Independent asks the questions that the Bush administration and her allies must answer. When a world superpower uses torture, outsources torture, holds “terror” suspects without trial and fire missiles on foreign soil, it is little better than a rogue state. It is encouraging to see a mainstream newspaper – albeit rarely – challenge the…

Word equals excel

Would you be surprised to learn that Microsoft maestro and anti-competitor Bill Gates was treated like royalty during a recent trip to Bangladesh? Dhaka blogger Rezwan explains: “His and Melinda’s portraits were hung in front of the VIP lounge of ZI Airport. Prime Minister personally greeted him in front of her room. All the major…

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