Enemy number one

The Patriot Act suffers another welcome blow: “In a stinging defeat for prosecutors, a former Florida professor accused of helping lead a terrorist group that has carried out suicide bombings against Israel was acquitted on nearly half the charges against him Tuesday, and the jury deadlocked on the rest. “The case against Sami Al-Arian, 47,…

Defeat looms

The consummate insider journalist – Paul Kelly @ The Australian – speaks: “There is a tacit understanding at high political levels in Australia and the US that Australia will make a new commitment to Iraq when its mission supporting Japanese engineers in Al Muthanna province expires in mid-2006. This reveals one of the unspoken political…

Time to say goodnight?

Margo Kingston’s Webdiary is closing down: “Webdiary will close at midnight tonight. Thank you to everyone who contributed and helped me try to make it work. Unfortunately I couldn’t get funding in time to stop me going broke, and certain events have proved to me that my skin is not thick enough to survive in…

Not before time

This is long overdue: “Delegates of the 192-nation Geneva Conventions met in special session Monday to consider adding a new emblem that could drop a half-century barrier to Israel’s becoming a full member of the international Red Cross movement caring for victims of armed conflict. “Swiss Foreign Minister Micheline Calmy-Rey, who has spearheaded the effort…

To blog

Smartyblogs, a Melbourne web-hosting company, has been looking for Australia’s best blog. Over 500 people applied for the $10,000 first prize, including my good self, and the results are now available. Congratulations to Singing Bridges for winning the coveted award. I was in the Top 11, so I’m pleased with the result (and I do…

Liberation here, please

The Village Voices introduces some headlines for Iraqi newspapers after news broke that the Pentagon was planting news stories in the occupied country: 1. Longtime Residents Applaud US Marine-Led Urban Renewal Project in Falluja; “Thank Allah They Got Rid of A Bad Element and Worse Architecture,” Says Woman on Street 2. 25-30% of Iraqi Workforce…

News bytes

– The LA Times continues its recent series of investigative work on Iraq: “Private security contractors have been involved in scores of shootings in Iraq, but none have been prosecuted despite findings in at least one fatal case that the men had not followed proper procedures, according to interviews and documents obtained by The Times.…

Taking a hit

This is encouraging news in the anti-imperial struggle: “People in Arab nations believe the Iraq war has brought less peace, more terrorism and contrary to Washington’s claims, will result in less democracy, a new poll indicates. “When asked which country was the biggest threat to them, most respondents chose Israel or the United States, while…

Fighting for their own land

Yet more evidence that Iraq’s insurgency is led by native Iraqis: “Iraqis, rather than foreign fighters, now form the vast majority of the insurgents who are waging a ferocious guerrilla war against United States forces in Sunni western Iraq, American commanders have revealed. “Their conclusion, disclosed to the Sunday Telegraph in interviews over 10 days…

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