Getting some heart

Sometimes it would be encouraging if people didn’t just think of themselves: “ Up to seven Australians have received kidney transplants from death-row prisoners executed in China, according to a report.“The recipients are among dozens of Australians who have travelled overseas and paid up to $50,000 for organ transplants.” Yet another form of economic imperialism…

Stick to rock music

Time magazine has knighted Bono and Bill and Melinda Gates as “Persons of the Year” for being “Good Samaritans.” Bono is described as the “rocker who has made debt reduction sexy.” Perhaps Time magazine – about as in-touch as most corporate media – should get past the headlines about Africa and debt reduction and recognise…

No end in sight

Salim Lone, former spokesman for the UN mission in Iraq, The Guardian, December 19: “The carnage in Iraq is not primarily caused by the insurgents. It is the death squads run by the Shia and Kurdish militias – according to former US diplomat James Dobbins, who is now with the Rand Corporation – who bring…

Reasons for resistance

Hala Jaber is the first Western journalist to visit Fallujah independently since the US onslaught in late 2004. Writing in the Murdoch UK Times, the discovery is shocking: Massive support for the growing insurgency, evidence of US terrorism, torture by US and Iraqi forces.

Get off the land

While the mainstream media believes Zionist propaganda over Israel’s “peaceful” intentions, Peace Now reveals the truth of the matter: “The most recent data published by the Israeli Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS) indicate that settlement construction during the first half of 2005 was greater than during the same period in 2004.” Read the whole report.…

The decline of the American empire

Gabriel Kolko, Counterpunch, December 17 (The article starts with a killer headline: “Defeated in Iraq, Bankrupt at Home, Despised Around the Globe (And That’s Just the Good News”): “The world is escaping American control, and Soviet prudence no longer inhibits many movements and nations. World opposition is becoming decentralized to a much greater extent and…

A time to stand together

“We are all Australians and we should never forget that.” I attended a large anti-racism rally today in Sydney. It was an opportunity for people of various ethnic backgrounds, gender, sexual orientation, Jewish, white, black, Asian, Middle Eastern, indigenous and convict stock to stand proudly together and call for calm, understanding, tolerance and belief in…

Torture goes on

The US has ended the use of torture? Not even close, writes Martin Garbus, one of America’s leading trial lawyers: “The media has been totally misled on the alleged Bush-McCain agreement on torture. McCain capitulated. It is not a defeat for Bush. It is a win for Cheney. “Torture is not banned or in any…

Game, set and match

Who says money doesn’t buy you influence with the Murdoch press? FrontPageMagazine reports: “Saudi Prince al-Waleed bin Talal boasted in Dubai earlier this week about his ability to change the news content that viewers around the world see on television. “In early September 2005, Bin Talal bought 5.46% of voting shares in News Corp. This…

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