Making peace with ourselves

Akiva Eldar, Haaretz, December 12: “It can be said that in comparison to the old Sharon, the new Sharon is a man of the centre. So what? One can wager that Kadima will dismantle a few outposts and will maybe even cut into the settlements. However, it would be seemly for a party that has…

Good night, and good luck

“We must not confuse dissent with disloyalty…We will not be driven by fear into an age of unreason, if we dig deep in our history and our doctrine and remember that we are not descended from fearful men – not from men who feared to write, to speak, to associate and to defend causes that…

Rough music

Political dissent has a noble literary tradition and after reading Tariq Ali’s “Rough Music: Blair, Bombs, Baghdad, London, Terror“, there is yet another title for the list. It’s a short read – only 100 pages – yet covers much ground. Written in the wake of the London bombings, Ali lays the blame squarely at the…

Taking stock of the Jewish state

The UK Sunday Times reveals Israel’s latest Zionist-inspired mayhem: “Israel’s armed forces have been ordered by Ariel Sharon, the prime minister, to be ready by the end of March for possible strikes on secret uranium enrichment sites in Iran, military sources have revealed. “The order came after Israeli intelligence warned the government that Iran was…

Increasing the pressure

Palestine Solidarity Campaign (UK) is encouraging a consumer boycott of Israeli goods: “Focusing on oranges, dates and avocados, the central aim of the campaign is to build the boycott of Israeli goods and encourage shoppers to let supermarkets know they will do this. “Consumers in at least 15 cities across the UK will be highlighting…

Saying “no” to Uncle Sam

Perhaps Australia’s military future is in worse shape than we thought: “Young Australians are becoming too drugged and too fat to join the military. “Overuse of recreational drugs – particularly marijuana – among 15-year-olds and junk food-related obesity are expected to worsen over the next decade, according to an Australian Defence Force (ADF) internal recruiting…

For all of us

Every now and then, Australia’s racist underbelly appears in full public view: “New South Wales Police say several people of Middle Eastern appearance have been attacked by a mob at Sydney’s Cronulla Beach. “Thousands of people have gathered at the beach in response to calls to retaliate for the bashing of two lifeguards a week…

Misinformation rules

The US military, industrial complex believes in propaganda, and not always the transparent kind: “Hoping to counter anti-American sentiment in the Muslim world, the Bush administration has been conducting an information war that is extensive, costly and often hidden, according to documents and interviews with contractors, government officials and military personnel.” All governments engage in…

The American way

“…The embrace of torture by US officials long predates the Bush Administration and has in fact been integral to US foreign policy since the Vietnam War.” Naomi Klein, The Nation, December 9

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