News bytes

– US Christian right-winger warns leading Zionist extremist not to criticise their religious beliefs otherwise they will withdraw support for Israel. The unholy alliance between Christian Zionism and Jewish Zionists is starting to unravel. And the problem is? – Perhaps the most vilified politician in the world, Hugo Chavez, recently won yet another free and…

It is possible

A newspaper with rising circulation? Journalists who are encouraged to write long-form investigative journalism on social issues? I must be dreaming.

Pants on fire

Global Security Newswire reports: Former U.S. Deputy Defence Secretary Paul Wolfowitz said yesterday that the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq might not have occurred if the United States had known there were no weapons of mass destruction in the country, Agence France-Presse reported. “‘I’m not sure based on the evidence we know now that we could…

Partial praise

The US Jewish hip-hop scene is growing. Rabbi Schneier explains: “Jews view themselves as a minority when it comes to issues of race and changing demographics, and on many questions their responses are identical to those of African-American and Latino respondents.” I await Jewish rappers tackling the myths of Israel. It’s already happening in the…

Put a sock in it

Iran’s President ramps up the rhetoric. Again: “Iran’s President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on Thursday expressed doubt that the Holocaust occurred and suggested Israel be moved to Europe. “‘Some European countries insist on saying that Hitler killed millions of innocent Jews in furnaces and they insist on it to the extent that if anyone proves something contrary…

Rize up

Rize is the new film by artist David LaChapelle. It tells the story of young men and women in the poor, black areas of LA, struggling to avoid crime and drugs and find another way through life. Some of them become “clowns” and utilise African-influenced dance rhythms. It’s a beautifully moving piece of work, both…

“Freedom” discriminates

Turkmenistan is a former Soviet state that rarely makes the headlines. Religious persecution is common, as Islam is increasingly seen as representing the national character. New Eurasia reports on recent developments. A country to watch.

Polluting the path

Al-Jazeera reports an intriguing development: “The Inuit people of the Arctic have filed a landmark human rights complaint against the US, blaming the world’s No 1 carbon polluter for stoking the global warming that is destroying their habitat.” There is increasing boldness in holding the US to account. It’s hard not to be highly cynical…

Falling on deaf ears?

The Falls-Church News Press reports: “Helen Thomas, arguably the nation’s best known print journalist and dean of the White House press corps, told a Falls Church audience last week that ‘there is a lot of soul searching going on now’ among news professionals about uncritical coverage since 9/11 of the Bush administration and its policies.…

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