What we’ve lost

Slavoj Zizek, New York Times, March 24: Since the release of Khalid Shaikh Mohammed’s dramatic confessions, moral outrage at the extent of his crimes has been mixed with doubts. Can his claims be trusted? What if he confessed to more than he really did, either because of a vain desire to be remembered as the…

Going after Iran

An excellent post by the Lenin’s Tomb Blog. Of course, it goes without saying that our brave boys aren’t provocateurs. We don’t do that sort of thing. Iran does that sort of thing, but not us. On the other hand, our American overlords are busy with their Office of Iranian Affairs, and the Iran-Syria Operations…

Our liberation gift

More than four years since the US invasion of Iraq, local bloggers there have been writing about the experience. After five months of self-imposed exile in her home, Baghdad’s Chikitita re-connects with her city: I am not an organized kind of person, but since I have not been out in the street in over five…

Research at the end of a gun?

The Lancet is justifiably famous for its compelling research on Iraqi deaths since the fall of Saddam, but it seems all is not well with the publication. The Royal Society of Medicine explains: Reed Elsevier, the publisher of The Lancet, has today been condemned by a former editor of the British Medical Journal for its…

Liberals deserve death (at the very least)

Republican clown Tom Delay – a man with a fondness for corruption – has just released a book (what, the man can write and embezzle funds at the same time?) During his book tour, virtually nobody seems to have noticed this shameful passage: “I believe it was Adolf Hitler who first acknowledged that the big…

Picture of the day

Saddam Has the Last Laugh Robert Scheer — The man who once famously took a sledgehammer to Saddam Hussein’s statue now says “the Americans are worse than the dictatorship.” That’s a growing sentiment in George W. Bush’s Iraq, where a majority of people view attacks on coalition forces as acceptable.

Move along – nothing to see here

The consequences of the Bush Administration’s foreign policy continue to spill over from Iraq, as predicted by critics. Paskistan’s President Pervez Musharraf is experiencing a backlash over suspending the chief justice of the Supreme Court, because he put the law before government policy. This is taking place while George Bush is facing a similar scandal…

“Damned Proud” of Dead Arab Women & Children

Former US Ambassador to the UN, John Bolton, is “damned proud” of the fact that he was instrumental in blocking ceasefire resolutions at the UN during the 2006 Israel war with Hezbollah. Bolton captures the arrogance and total hypocrisy of the Bush war on terrorism. In a meeting last August, Bolton “implied that because Lebanon…

The lobby under fire

At long last, Jews around the world are starting to speak out against the short-sighted policies of the Zionist lobby. A feature in Salon explains: ”¦In the wake of 9/11 and the Iraq war, that all changed dramatically. 9/11, and the Bush administration’s response to it, made it inescapably clear that America’s Mideast policies affect…

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