Jews who don’t accept Israeli apartheid

Independent Jewish Voices Canada has made a monumental decision that deserves global praise: Ottawa – Independent Jewish Voices (Canada) voted to join the growing international campaign in support of the Palestinian call for Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against Israel, at its first Annual General Meeting this past weekend. This decision makes IJV the first…

All terrorists welcome

Robert Fisk knows how to tell a joke (and mean it): …My favourite memory was at San Francisco International Airport, where Homeland Security spotted all the pariah visas in my passport. “Have you ever met a terrorist?” one of them asked me with a frown. Yes, I said. I met Osama bin Laden and I…

The Australian government is on notice

The initiator of the petition against Australia’s Deputy Prime Minister Julia Gillard and her impending trip to Israel, Ned Curthoys, sent the following letter to her today: Dear Julia Gillard, The following is a petition that I’m presenting to you on behalf of some 180 concerned Australians, many of them eminent names in their chosen…

Feeling scared, suckers?

Just how threatening are alternative, Jewish voices to the Zionist establishment? Independent Australian Jewish Voices blogger Michael Brull explains.

How can we stop this madman?

Zionist fundamentalists are most displeased with that extremist, Muslim terrorist, Barack Obama: There is growing concern among the American Jewish community over Obama’s Mideast initiatives, this according to the executive vice chairman of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, Malcolm Hoenlein. “President Obama’s strongest supporters among Jewish leaders are deeply troubled by…

If you see them like dogs…

Former US president Jimmy Carter urged Israel to lift a crippling blockade of Hamas-run Gaza Strip in an interview on Sunday, saying the territory’s residents were being treated like savages. “To me, the most grievous circumstance is the maltreatment of the people in Gaza, who are literally starving and have no hope at this time,”…

The EU should listen

A statement the often feckless European Union should notice: On the occasion of the 9th EU-Israel Association Council on June 15 2009, three prominent Israeli human rights organizations call upon the EU to link the upgrade of EU-Israel relations to respect for human rights and the rule of law. In their letter to the EU…

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