Watch the rage rise

The New York Times has a good feature on the political realities in Iran; President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is a powerful and shrewd man: Whether his 63 percent victory is truly the will of the people or the result of fraud, it demonstrated that Mr. Ahmadinejad is the shrewd and ruthless front man for a clerical,…

Telling Australia how to behave well

The following article appears in today’s Sydney Morning Herald: Several Labor MPs have expressed concerns about Julia Gillard’s upcoming trip to Israel, where the Deputy Prime Minister will lead a delegation to hold a dialogue with Israeli leaders. The MP for Fowler, Julia Irwin, an executive member of the Australian Parliamentary Friends of Palestine group,…

We will continue to occupy you

Haaretz live-blogged Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech on the Middle East. The main message? The speech was like a nod to the old pre-intifada way of looking at the Palestinians, but at the same time mentioning two states. It seemed to be no to dividing Jerusalem, no to the return of refugees or an…

Oh please, take me to the promised land, editors

I’m just dying to get my hands on a copy of today’s Jerusalem Post in New York: “Now New Yorkers, Jews and non-Jews alike, can tangibly hold a piece of Israel in their hands every Sunday,” wrote Michael Miller, Executive Vice President and CEO of the Jewish Community Relations Council of New York. This is…

Good Zionists are really hard to find

Any Jewish leaders want to condemn the rantings of confirmed Zionist Frank Gaffney, here writing last week in the Washington Times about Obama’s Cairo speech? No, didn’t think so, far better to keep crazy Israel lovers on our side: The man now happy to have his Islamic-rooted middle name featured prominently has engaged in the…

We should support the real democrats

The situation in Iran remains dire, unstable and dangerous. Israel is pleased, of course. Some of the most interesting analysis is on The Washington Note. Here, here and here. Something serious is brewing: Last night in London after appearing on Keith Olbermann’s show, I got an email from a well-connected Iranian who knows many of…

Rupert’s helping hand in apartheid

Following the Australian’s desperate editorial on Saturday damning anybody who challenges Israeli policies, Associate Professor Bassam Dally, from The Australian Friends of Palestine Association, has issued an open to the paper’s editor, Chris Mitchell: A Friend of Palestine is not an Enemy of Israel Open Letter to Chris Mitchell Bassam Dally The editorial titled “A…

Anything to keep the occupation out of the headlines

Following the Australian’s article on the weekend about the Australian government’s impending trip to Israel, today’s paper publishes the following responses: The anti-Israel bigotry to which you refer in the editorial defending Julia Gillard’s visit to Israel (“A trip worth taking”, 13-14/6) is vividly illustrated in Amnesty International’s recently released annual global report. The survey…

Please don’t show our bad side, it’s just not fair

When will blind supporters of Israel realise that hiding the inherent racism of the Zionist state (and many of its supporters) merely confirms the suspicions of a growing majority; unyielding Arab-hatred is at the centre of mainstream Zionism: The controversy surrounding journalist Max Blumenthal continues in the wake of the release of his video of…

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