The message to the masses

I wrote last night about seeing Noam Chomsky here in New York. The city’s Indypendent newspaper today has a fuller report on the event: Renowned leftist intellectual, linguist and author Noam Chomsky discussed democracy, the economy and global crises June 12 at Riverside Church in Harlem. Over 2,000 people attended the event, which benefited the…

The tragic Jewish present

Tony Judt, writing about the recently deceased Israeli writer Amos Elon, comments on what Israel has become: What had once been the nationalist ideology of a stateless people has undergone a tragic transition. It has, for a growing number of Israelis, been corrupted into an uncompromising ethno-religious real estate pact with a partisan God, a…

We have been here before, it’s clear

South African anti-apartheid campaigner Ronnie Kasrils speaks at the recent Cape Town conference re-envisioning Israel/Palestine: May I start by quoting a South African who emphatically stated as far back as 1961 that “The Jews took Israel from the Arabs after the Arabs had lived there for a thousand years. Israel like South Africa, is an…

The Iranian crisis

An Iranian revolution, of sorts, that challenges the clerical rule of the mullahs. It’s the kind of attitudes I saw and heard during my time in the country in 2007. One can only hold back greater freedom for so long before a people will explode: Visit for Breaking News, World News, and News about…

How to kill Persians with a smile

Deakin University’s Scott Burchill documents freaks of nature: Pomeranians are small, extroverted dogs with origins traceable to Egypt, who can develop the habit of barking excessively if their behaviour is rewarded (i.e. allowed to beg for food). Bombiranians are a small group of extroverted neo-cons, primarily Zionist and traceable to Israel and the US, who…

Utterly missing the point

My following letter appears in today’s Sunday Age newspaper: The new blog the Sensible Jew (“Blog takes on the ‘swill’ who speak for Jews“, 7/6) appears unconcerned with anything other than improving the PR of the Zionist agenda. While a mature debate is raging overseas about war crimes in Gaza, ongoing settlement expansion in the…

Noam Chomsky at the Riverside Church in New York

I first started reading Noam Chomsky at university. His political works were sometimes dense and impenetrable, but his reasoning on Israel/Palestine, written as a Jew, moved me deeply. When I finally met him in 2005 in Boston, during the research of my first book, My Israel Question, his humility and insights caused me to consider…

Pressure on apartheid works

Yet more evidence that pressure on corporates that collude with the illegal occupation in Palestine can be convinced to change their ways: The Belgian-French financial group Dexia announced it will no longer finance Israeli settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories through its Israeli branch, Dexia Israel. The announcement was the culmination of a months-long campaign…

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