How to kill peace with a big stick

Any Zionist organisations care to complain about this? No, didn’t think so. That’s the complicity of modern Judaism: It reads like a standard real estate contract between a Zionist institution and an Israeli couple. But it offers a rare glimpse into the bureaucratic smoke screen that helps ensure a strong Jewish presence on lands claimed…

What we can offer the Iranians

This Haaretz editorial on Iran is pretty spot-on: Thirty years after the Khomeini revolution brought down the regime of the shah and led the Islamic Republic to power, a new generation in Iran is now fomenting a shake-up, whose full scope, conclusion and ramifications are not yet known. But what has happened so far suffices…

This is not the Twitter revolution

Iran continues to burn. I’ve spent the last days speaking to various media outlets in Australia (eg. here) about the use of online tools to assist, provoke and support the current uprising. As I write in The Blogging Revolution, this issue is complex and isn’t simply about YouTube bringing Western-style democracy. In the book, I…

Israel’s beach in Central Park brings frenzy and protest

My following article is published today on the popular US website Mondoweiss: The recent Salute to Israel parade in New York was symptomatic of a mainstream Jewish community desperate to appear normal, relaxed yet determined. Sunday’s “Tel Aviv beach in Central Park” was another day in the life of Israeli propaganda, estimated to have cost…

When the political system fails

Solidarity boat trips to Gaza have had a fairly high rate of success in the past. Now it’s time to try again: Activists campaigning for an end to Gaza’s blockade by Israel will sail to the enclave from Cyprus in defiance of the Israeli navy, they said Thursday. Two boats, including one carrying cement and…

A dear friend of the site

An email I received today: Antony Lowensetein, keep up the great work, promoting dishonest, exaggerated, anti-Israel garbage and promoting anti-semitism and anti-Israel hate! And great job ignoring what is done to Israel that causes the need for Israel to be so defensive, you’re fooling some people quite nicely! Your friend, Adolf Hitler

Another day in the life of the West Bank

A report on Mondoweiss: Joseph Dana from Ibn Ezra sent us the following: I just shot and edited a video (see below) of what happen today in Safa in the southern West Bank. Ta’ayush went with about thirty Israeli and international peace activists to help the… farmers… of Safa work their land. As soon as we arrived…

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