The nice, pretty face of Israel

Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu – a believer in “democracy” – talks about the crisis in Iran: Visit for Breaking News, World News, and News about the Economy Yes, Israel cares deeply about Iranian democracy.

No IDF here

Israel’s beating heart emerges: A new vegan bar opened last week in Tel Aviv that bans Israel Defense Forces soldiers in uniform and boycotts products made in West Bank settlements. The Rogatka – “slingshot” – bar was opened by an “anarchist collective” who once ran the Salon Mazal bar; it is located on Yitzhak Sadeh…

The blood of possible revolution

Murder and mayhem on the streets of Tehran: A wonderfully moving report from the New York Times‘ Roger Cohen on the ground and Robert Fisk. The Islamic Republic appears to be in serious trouble.

These people should be fired not respected

The Israeli political and media elite are war-hungry fools, writes Bernard Avishai: As I write, hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of mainly young Iranians are deciding whether or not to risk going out into the streets. There is little someone like myself can add regarding the poignancy of their decision. Yet one thing seems…

Keep building settlements and guarantee long-term apartheid

Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman in New York on Friday: The settlements are not an obstacle to advancing peace. In the 19 years before 1967, there were no settlements but there was terror. During the disengagement, Israel evacuated 24 settlements and in response got Hamas rule in Gaza and rockets on Sderot. It’s very clear…

Why single out Israel?

Following my letter in last weekend’s Melbourne Sunday Age about the blog The Sensible Jew and parochial and bigoted Zionists, this letter is published today in response: Antony Lowenstein subjects us to his usual wild and vicious diatribe against Israel and adds a call for a “campaign to boycott Israel” (Letters, 14/6). Sadly, one is…

The message the Iranians should hear

New York Times columnist Roger Cohen, who has spent this year writing extensively about Iran and Israel/Palestine, sends his latest dispatch from the streets of Tehran: When I was here earlier this year, I argued that Iran was an unfree and repressive society but also a nation offering significant margins of liberty, at least by…

Israel remains a threat to itself and others

“We do not believe that Israel will embark on the development of nuclear weapons with the aim of actually starting a nuclear war,” reads the declassified 48-year-old CIA Special National Intelligence Estimate. The estimate, publicly released June 5 by George Washington University’s National Security Archives, continues, “Possession of a nuclear weapon capability, or even the…

Thank God Persians aren’t Arabs

Middle East Reality Check blog makes a clear point about the ways in which the Australian Murdoch press views dead civilians: In Murdoch fish wrapper, if Iranian forces murder 5 or more Iranian protestors, it’s a massacre. If Israeli forces murder 1300 or more Palestinians, it ain’t.

Here comes the backlash

Toronto Globe and Mail reporter George McLeod in Tehran: I’ve never reported in an environment as hostile as this, in terms of the authorities.

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