Palestinian education stunted by our backing

The Zionist, collective punishment of an entire people: Some 838 students formally offered places and/or enrolled at foreign universities are unable to leave Gaza, according to the Palestinian interior ministry and Gisha, an NGO campaigning for freedom of movement. Of the 1,983 Gazan students in this position, only 1,145 have been able to leave Gaza…

Kuwait has more freedoms than Israel?

Reporters Without Borders 2009 Freedom Index finds Israel in “free fall” over its rights and responsibilities towards journalists and the media: Operation Cast Lead, Israel’s military offensive against the Gaza Strip, had an impact on the press. As regards its internal situation, Israel sank 47 places in the index to 93rd position. This nose-dive means…

Israeli isolation causes the state to act with typical arrogance

We learn that Israel is determined to change the boundaries of international law to essentially allow states to bomb civilians if they’re “terrorists”: Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu instructed his government on Tuesday to draw up proposals to amend the international laws of war after a damning UN report on its war in Gaza. The…

Israeli whores fixing each other’s makeup

Yitzhak Laor in Haaretz: The avaricious sortie by Defense Minister Ehud Barak and his courtiers to Paris was sponsored by a state in which a third of all children live under the poverty line; Barak himself is supervising the starving of Gaza and its 1.5 million inhabitants. All this ties in well with Israel’s current…

The weakness of Obama’s war machine

Leading American journalist Seymour Hersh has more explosive revelations: The U.S. military is not just fighting wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, America’s most renowned investigative journalist says. The army is also “in a war against the White House — and they feel they have [President] Obama boxed in,” Pulitzer Prize-winning reporter Seymour Hersh told several…

Israeli should not help Arabs in the territories

The case of Israeli activist Ezra Nawi is now decided; he will go to jail simply for defending Palestinians in the West Bank: The Jerusalem Magistrate Court on Wednesday sentenced left-wing activist Ezra Nawi to one month in prison, after convicting him of assaulting police officers during the 2007 evacuation of illegal Palestinian caravans in…

Life in Aceh, Indonesia

My following article is published in the Huffington Post: In a collection of just released work by Acehnese writer Azhari, Nutmeg Woman, we are brought into a world before the devastating 2004 tsunami that killed over 220,000 Indonesians. Civil war wracked the province. Indonesian occupation was brutal and fought against the Free Aceh Movement (GAM).…

The job of Judaism is to expand debate, not reduce it

Following J Street’s shameful cancellation of a poet’s performance at its upcoming Washington conference, the man in question (and his colleague) have released a statement: This week, some right-wing blogs and pseudo-news organizations latched on to various lines of poems Josh wrote and churned the alarmist rumor mill saying that hateful anti-Israeli poets are keynote…

Laying claim to Judaism

The following is an extract adapted from the final section of part III of Offence: The Jewish Case, by Brian Klug (London: Seagull Books, 2009). Distributed by University of Chicago Press: On 11 January 2009 a rally in support of Israel, organized jointly by the Board of Deputies of British Jews and the Jewish Leadership…

Introducing…Miss Aceh

My following article in New Matilda is about the Indonesian province of Aceh: Despite recently implementing sharia law — including the stoning of adulterers and homosexuals — Aceh does not fit the stereotype of an Islamic state, finds Antony Loewenstein Muslim extremists in Aceh were outraged when a young woman from the province, Qori Sandioriva,…

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