A rare correction in Murdoch press that denies BDS is anti-Semitic

What a change (no doubt after legal threats?) One day, and soon, the Murdoch hacks calling BDS against Israel anti-Semitic will realise how mainstream the movement has become globally, targeting Israeli businesses complicit in the occupation. This has nothing to do with Judaism:

An article published in The Weekend Australian on August 20 (” ‘Anti-Israel bullies’ hard centre bites in chocolate shop campaign“, page 13) reported an anti-Israeli protest march on Israeli-owned Max Brenner chocolate shops.

The article reported comment from a number of people opposed to the boycott, divestment and sanctions movement against the continuing occupation by Israel of the West Bank and Gaza and that some of the BDS had descended into racist generalisations.

The Australian Friends of Palestine Association (SA) has noted that Israeli companies operating in Australia are being targeted, not Jewish companies. They have no criticism of the many shops operating in Australia which happen to be owned by persons of the Jewish faith. As noted in the article: “We stress that the BDS movement is an anti-racist movement that rejects all forms of racism including anti-Semitism and Islamophobia . . . They do not target any particular religious or ethnic group.”

The Weekend Australian did not refer to nor intend any suggestion of racism or anti-Semitism on the part of the Australian Friends of Palestine Association (SA).