The following statement was released this week by London-based, The Centre for Investigative Journalism,… one of Britain’s leading journalism schools. The statement was then… tweeted by one of the world’s leading press freedom groups, The Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ):
Thursday 22nd December 2016
The CIJ is deeply concerned with media reports from Israel that…Antony Loewenstein’s work visa and freelance press credentials will not be renewed when they expire in March next year.
In a democracy, critical voices are essential and should be encouraged, it is unacceptable that he may be forced to leave Israel because of his past statements.…
This is a free speech issue and we remind the Israeli government and its supporters that free speech is a cornerstone of any democracy; threatening to remove it is a slippery slope towards authoritarianism.
Loewenstein’s exemplary journalistic record, recognised by leading journalism bodies around the world, deserves to be supported. We hope other organisations dedicated to a free press and the protection of journalists follow suit and make a public statement.
Antony Loewenstein is an internationally recognised, independent journalist who has reported from some of the most challenging places in the world including Afghanistan, Honduras, South Sudan, across the Middle East, Gaza, Palestine/Israel and elsewhere.
He’s been published in the… Guardian,… New York Times,… The Nation,… Al Jazeera English… and many others. He’s also the author of many books including the best-selling,… My Israel Question… and his latest book is… Disaster Capitalism: Making A Killing Out Of Catastrophe.