How the one-state solution has become more possible

Juan Cole in Salon argues the inevitable:

Saeb Erekat, chief of the Palestine Liberation Organization Steering Committee, said Wednesday that Palestine Authority president Mahmoud Abbas should be frank with the Palestinian people and admit to them that there is no possibility of a two-state solution given continued Israeli colonization of the West Bank.

It is morally and ethically unconscionable to leave millions of Palestinians in a condition of statelessness, in which they have no rights. (Warren Burger defined citizenship as the “right to have rights” as my colleague Margaret “Peggy” Sommers pointed out in her new book.) Therefore, if there isn’t going to be a two-state solution, there will have to be a one-state solution, in which Israel gives citizenship to the Palestinians. (As it is, 20 percent of Israelis are Palestinian Arabs and that proportion will grow to 33 percent by 2030, if they are not expelled by sometime-Moldavian-night-club-bouncer and now foreign minister of Israel, Avigdor Lieberman.)

Debate about a one-state solution – below is al-Jazeera a few days ago, featuring Saree Makdisi – is growing around the world. True justice for all peoples of the conflict, Jews and Arabs, can only be obtained through a one-state equation:

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