Jews have a responsibility to not accept racism against Arabs

From Jewish Voice for Peace:

I was appalled when, at a recent Jewish event, a speaker shared the ‘good news’ that Israeli Arabs don’t have as many children as they did in the past.

I hear sentiments like this all too often–from leaders in the Jewish community, from media and, even more upsetting, from friends and family. What about you? And when you hear it, how do you respond? When someone around you says something racist, ignorant, or outrageous, what do you do?

I admit that I don’t always know how to respond when prejudices are presented as facts. And I don’t always know how to react to the harsh criticism that inevitably comes after I voice support of peace and human rights in person or online.

At Jewish Voice for Peace we often ask ourselves about how to have these difficult conversations in ways that educate and bridge gaps rather than spark anger. As we head into the holiday season, many of us will be gathering with friends and family for meals, parties, and for conversation. Will Palestine and Israel come up around your holiday table? And if it does-how will you respond?

Please take a couple of minutes to let us know your thoughts. Your answers will help us understand what our community of supporters needs most from Jewish Voice for Peace, and will shape how we think about the coming year. And, of course, we’ll share the results.

Thank you for seeking peace, and as always, thank you for standing with us.

Sydney Levy
Jewish Voice for Peace

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