Nothing other than censorship

Juan Cole, professor of history at the University of Michigan, has been barred from moving to Yale University. It appears to be due to a concerted campaign by the Zionist lobby. Free speech for all, as long, of course, as you believe in the perfection of Israel and the US. Cole responded to the smear campaign with typical aplomb:

The idea that I am any sort of anti-Jewish racist because I think Israel would be better off without the occupied territories is bizarre, but I fear that a falsehood repeated often enough and in high enough places may begin to lose its air of absurdity.

And this:

These articles [written by prominent Jews to attack Cole] attempted to make my critiques of the Likud, on both sides of the Atlantic, look like an attack on American Jewry in general, which is manifestly not the case. For these people, Likud equals Israel equals Jews, so all criticism of revisionist Zionism and Greater Israel expansionism is anti-Semitic.

Extremist Zionists know that time is not on their side and must therefore lash out at those who dare question accepted “truths.” Cole deserves our support.

UPDATE: More on the Cole saga here.

UPDATE II: Cole responds to some of the smears.