While Sri Lanka shuns interest in human rights we must shun them

Sri Lanka remains a nation ruled by war criminals who rather love the idea of isolating and killing Tamils. For this reason, many people, including me, globally called for the boycott of the 2011 Galle Literary Festival due to its links to the Colombo establishment … and attempts to avoid serious discussion about the country’s police…

Iraq, quasi independent, dares challenge mercenaries

Being a truly independent nation, which Iraq clearly is not post US occupation, would mean that foreign security forces and private contractors would have strict rules of operation. Supporters of this ever-growing global movement might not like it, but this could well be the beginning of something important for the failed nation; exercising real autonomy…

722,000 Israeli Jews living illegally in Palestine

American blogger Richard Silverstein features a revealing figure from a leading Israeli newspaper: Yisrael HaYom published… today one of the more stark and telling statistics about the ”˜success’ of the Occupation: in 2011, 722,000 Israelis lived beyond the Green Line, including in settlements and East Jerusalem. … This was a 5% increase over 2010. … That means that…

#Occupy where 2012?

Naomi Klein is one of the finest journalists and writers around at the moment, in my humble view. A strong supporter of the #Occupy movement, here she tells The Nation about what can and should come next: A friend, the British eco-and arts activist John Jordan, talks about utopias and resistance being the double helix…

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