Only in Israel; Zionist democracy in action over racist Citizenship Law

The Magnes Zionist: Yesterday, the State of Israel became the first western state whose High Court ruled that some citizens have fewer fundamental rights than other citizens based on their ethnicity. Actually, it had done so before, but yesterday it rejected…  the most sustained challenge to the “Citizenship Law,” which bars the non-Israeli spouses of…

What the internet can (and cannot) do to hasten revolutions

My book The Blogging Revolution was recently released in India in an updated edition.…  Here’s a pretty good review of it by J Jagannath in a leading Indian newspaper, Business Standard: The little spark that the Tunisian fruit vendor Mohamed Bouazizi ignited in December 2010 to torch himself in retaliation against corruption has engulfed the…

Just who is watching American citizens from the sky?

Very timely: Today,… EFF filed suit against the Federal Aviation Administration… seeking information on drone flights in the United States. The… FAA… is the sole entity within the federal government capable of authorizing domestic drone flights, and for too long now, it has failed to release specific and detailed information on who is authorized to fly drones within US…

Day in the life of anti-democratic Israel

One (via the New York Times): Two weeks after ultra-Orthodox Jews in Jerusalem… wore yellow stars and striped prison uniforms, invoking Nazi Germany to protest what they called their persecution by secular Israelis, Israel’s Parliament moved closer to approving a bill that would ban the display of Third Reich symbols and even make it a crime…

This is how our empire rolls; take resources and kill civilians

American imperialist arrogance is almost comical in its ineptitude. Invade Iraq, kill so many and still make off with the oil contracts. This piece in the Washington Post by John Tierman is that rare piece of remembrance of the mostly nameless civilians we kill in the name of freedom and democracy. And we wonder why…

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