Israel fights so many enemies, hard to know which Zionists to blame

Barak Ravid, Haaretz: Every year, in almost every country, government reports detailing statistics and demographics of the country’s citizens are published during the last week of December. The reports detail how many babies were born that year and how many people died. Some of those reports are turned into semi-comic articles on the back page…

American drone killings leading to one thing; predictable blow-back

Washington’s drone wars against countless countries receives far too little media scrutiny (is it because the White House says they’re killing “terrorists” and clueless reporters believe it?) and… private companies are increasingly involved. Joshua Foust writes in the Atlantic that the US should be worried: The Intelligence Community (IC) as a whole has been reoriented to…

So Murdoch hacks hacked British government they increasingly opposed?

Interesting, if true (via the Independent): Police investigating computer hacking by private investigators commissioned by national newspapers have uncovered evidence that emails sent and received by Gordon Brown during his time as Chancellor were illegally accessed. Mr Brown’s private communications, along with emails belonging to a former Labour adviser and lobbyist, Derek Draper, have been…

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