Unaccountable companies assisting America’s drone wars

The future is here, corporations who know the US military (and other countries, too) love nothing better than finding new ways to kill “enemies” (via McClatchy Newspapers): After a U.S. airstrike mistakenly killed at least 15 Afghans in 2010, the Army officer investigating the accident was surprised to discover that an American civilian had played…

First they came for the Tweeters

There are growing signs of collusion between the Zionist lobby, fundamentalists who want the government to tell us what to hear and see and politicians such as Joe Lieberman who never saw a war against Muslims they didn’t like. Now this. It must be resisted: Twitter has been threatened with legal action by an Israeli…

Keep those Ayrabs away from Australia, they look funny

The level of “conservative” debate in Murdoch’s Australian yesterday, in a piece by Hal G.P. Colebatch. I’m sure he’s seen heaps of Muslims on the TV and knows many of them intimately: Middle Eastern migrants, except in exceptional circumstances, appear to be making little attempt to assimilate and are bringing in polygamy, honour killings and…

Syria may be convulsing but foreign intervention must be avoided

The situation in Syria continues to descend into a civil war-like situation, according to people on the ground. This interesting report, by BBC journalist Paul Wood, offers a disturbing insight into the Assad regime’s desperation and confusion since the beginning of the revolution: Qutaiba, a 22-year-old engineering student, had never been arrested before Syrian security…

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