Some liberation movements are more equal than others

Leading Israeli commentator Uri Avnery on the Tibetan protests: I support the Tibetans in spite of it being obvious that the Americans are exploiting the struggle for their own purposes. Clearly, the CIA has planned and organized the riots, and the American media are leading the world-wide campaign. It is a part of the hidden…

Searching for 9/11 truth

Robert Baer,, December 5: I myself have felt the pull of the conspiracy theorists — who believe that 9/11 was an inside job, somehow pulled off by the U.S. government. For the record, I don’t believe that the World Trade Center was brought down by our own explosives, or that a rocket, rather than…

Abolish the spooks

Jason Koutsoukis, The Sunday Age, December 9: At the time of writing, there are six intelligence agencies located here in Canberra, ASIO, ASIS, the Defence Signals Directorate and the Defence Intelligence Organisation among them. All staffed by bright, conscientious and talented people, I’m sure, I challenge any one of them to list a single important…