Understanding the other

Daniel Barenboim, International Herald Tribune, January 29: I have often made the statement that the destinies of the Israeli and Palestinian people are inextricably linked and that there is no military solution to the conflict. My recent acceptance of Palestinian nationality has given me the opportunity to demonstrate this more tangibly. When my family moved…

Marching on their homeland

After a week that saw Hamas courageously break Israel’s illegal and immoral blockade of Gaza, the democratically elected government issues a warning to the Jewish state: A senior Hamas official warned yesterday that the next breakout from the Gaza Strip could be into Israel, with 500,000 Palestinians attempting to march towards the towns and villages…

Alternative Jewish thinking

The siege of Gaza has failed. In praise of the Jewish blogosphere. We need America’s help. There Won’t Be Peace in the Middle East Till There’s a Naqba Museum in the U.S.

Final days are approaching

The general silence of the Zionist establishment towards the illegal West Bank settlements is one of the great moral failings of our time (in fact, an interesting old, PR document has emerged that reveals the tortured ways in which Israel wants to be portrayed to the world, ideally ignoring the less favourable aspects of its…

Propping up Hamas

Youssef Khatib, clerk from Khan Younis, Ynetnews: The power outage in Gaza will not hurt Hamas, on the contrary – it will strengthen the Islamic organizations, so that even secular Palestinians, who used to support Fatah, will sympathize with Hamas. Israel’s collective punishment policy would not lead to results. I am not a Hamas man,…

Killing peace one step at a time

This is how a Middle East “democracy” behaves: Gaza City was plunged into darkness Sunday after Israel blocked the shipment of fuel that powers its only electrical plant in retaliation for persistent rocket attacks by Gaza militants. The Strip’s only power station is now closed and the UN has condemned the collective punishment. Meanwhile, some…

Democracy is poison to Arabs

My latest New Matilda column is about the recent Bush visit to the Middle East: George W Bush’s current visit to the Middle East, in the final year of his Presidency, is an attempt to solidify Washington’s position towards its client states – Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Bahrain, United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Israel and Palestine…

There goes the two-state delusion

Yacov Ben Efrat, Challenge Magazine, January/February: What exactly is the nature of the Jewish state that is thus endangered? It has become clear in recent years that Israel’s drive to separate the two peoples is not meant as penance for its crimes of forty years. The desire for separation results rather from the evaporation of…

The Olmert conversion?

Gideon Levy, Haaretz, January 13: After listening to many of his statements, some of them very impressive, one comes to recognize that Ehud Olmert perhaps truly desires peace with the Palestinians. The fact that he has not zigzagged, not even once, that he only reiterates the same things, speaking like Uri Avnery (even if 40…

Is this Judaism?

Amira Hass, Tikkun, January 2: There is no Israeli whose presence in the West Bank is neutral. Civilian or armed, soldier or woman settler, resident of a quality-of-life settlement or a nearby outpost, MahsomWatch activist or guest at a settlement, Bezek worker or client at a Palestinian garage. All of them, all of us, are…

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