What’s dead Afghans in the bigger picture of Afghan “liberation”?

The colonial mindset is a shocking thing to see. Here’s Paula Broadwell, a research associate at the Harvard Center for Public Leadership (her new book is All In: The Education of General David Petraeus) writing glowingly of American fire-power in Afghanistan. A “Destroying the village in order to save it” mentality. The West deserves to…

Why Wikileaks is so dangerous for the ruling class

Julian Assange speaks exclusively to John Pilger in this week’s New Statesman: I think what’s emerging in the mainstream media is the awareness that if I can be indicted, other journalists can, too. Even the New York Times is worried. This used not to be the case. If a whistleblower was prosecuted, publishers and reporters…

Wikileaks fight back

Good on them: “WikiLeaks condemns US embargo move” WikiLeaks today condemned calls from the chair of the House Committee on Homeland Security to “strangle the viability” of WikiLeaks by placing the publisher and its editor-in-chief, Julian Assange, on a US “enemies list” normally reserved for terrorists and dictators. Placement on the US “Specially Designated National…

A direct challenge to the Australian Greens on Israel/Palestine

The following statement is written by Australian Jewish academic Ned Curthoys. I agree with its sentiments: Antony and I had a dream last night in which the important resolution by the NSW Greens in December of last year in support of an economic and cultural boycott of the colonialist Zionist project in Israel/Palestine was quickly…

The ongoing war against public services (all hail the private)

A charming cover that speaks volumes about the obsessive love of privatisation in the corporate media. The cost to people’s lives is irrelevant; it’s all about “efficiency”. Yes: The Economist doesn’t seem to understand that you can’t actually run the public sector exactly like the private sector. You are not meant to and you cannot.…

American Zionist asks radical colonists to behave

The pain of a hardline Zionist in the face of Israeli occupation. Here’s Jeffrey Goldberg, former IDF prison guard, being a little upset about ongoing settlements in East Jerusalem but hey, what are you going to do about it? Nothing, as usual, just slam those who back real action like BDS: Let me also stipulate,…

Wikileaks rally in Sydney 15 January

Time Saturday, January 15 …· 1:00pm – 4:00pm Location Sydney Town Hall We will be marching to the US Consulate general and then to Hyde Park. Organised by the Support Wikileaks Coalition (Sydney). Speakers include: Antony Loewenstein – Independent journalist and author David Shoebridge – NSW Greens Wendy Bacon – Director of the Australian Centre…

Of course the easy availability of guns in US is relevant

Visit msnbc.com for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy Sigh: After a Glock-wielding gunman killed six people at a Tucson shopping center on Jan. 8, Greg Wolff, the owner of two Arizona gun shops, told his manager to get ready for a stampede of new customers. Wolff was right. Instead of hurting…

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