Assange thanks Australians not clueless federal government

Presumably Assange isn’t thanking the supine Australian government, so desperate to please its American masters: Julian Assange has thanked Australia for its support of his – and Wikileaks – cause but called on Americans to tone down political rhetoric, saying those who incite violence should be charged with incitement to murder. Speaking to Fairfax in…

Assange hanging in Gitmo

Who would trust the Americans? Julian Assange, the founder of WikiLeaks, could be at “real risk” of the death penalty or detention in Guantánamo Bay if he is extradited to Sweden on accusations of rape and sexual assault, his lawyers claim. In a skeleton summary of their defence against attempts by the Swedish director of…

Paying to wipe all those offensive left-wing views

So this is how you engineer society to exclude views you don’t like. George Monbiot explains: For his film (Astro)Turf Wars, Taki Oldham secretly recorded a training session organised by a rightwing libertarian group called American Majority. The trainer, Austin James, was instructing Tea Party members on how to “manipulate the medium”. This is what…

Wikileaks press release on incitement

Spot on (just released statement): “WikiLeaks: treat incitement seriously or expect more Gabrielle Gifford killing sprees.” Wikileaks today offered sympathy and condolences to the victims of the Tucson shooting together with best wishes for the recovery of U.S. Representative Gabrielle Giffords. Giffords, a democrat from Arizona’s 8th district, was the target of a shooting spree…

Just one more way the US political elite backs Israel’s move towards one-state

And not a peep from the Zionist Diaspora about ever-expanding expulsion of Palestinians from Jerusalem: Irving Moskowitz, the retired Florida businessman who is developing a controversial Jewish apartment project at East Jerusalem’s Shepherd Hotel, is a top campaign contributor to Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-Fla.), the new GOP chairwoman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, campaign…

No, not just Islam that can be vehemently anti-women

Really: Anyone who believes religious traditions only oppress women in faraway places should hear my story. I’ve just won an eight-year legal battle in Brooklyn, N.Y., to keep the house my parents left me. My brother–the first-born son of an Orthodox rabbi–claimed the religious right to evict me. Last month Brooklyn Surrogate’s Court Judge Diana…

ABCTV News24 on US violence and Israeli apartheid

I appeared on ABC TV News 24’s The Drum last night (video here) with host Tim Palmer, and panelists NSW Liberal politician Pru Goward and ABC journalist Conor Duffy. We discussed the horrific killings in the US and the heated political and media rhetoric that may have created an atmosphere of hate. Commentators may not…

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