Dictatorship offers US help on secrets post Wikileaks

An authoritarian, one-party state offers advice to the US. Thanks, we’ll take your thoughts on-board: Singaporean officials must be more cautious in discussions with U.S. diplomats, the country’s foreign affairs minister said Monday, calling the release of classified documents by WikiLeaks disastrous for American diplomacy. Singapore officials will be less open when speaking with U.S.…

So sorry authoritarian state, America still loves you

What’s a super-power to do when trying to keep good relationships with dictatorships and brutish men? Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, in the Middle East for meetings with Persian Gulf leaders, acknowledged Sunday that it would take years to undo the damage caused by the WikiLeaks revelations, likening her recent travels to an extended…

Will the brave reporters please stand up?

What a sad state of affairs. The vast bulk of American journalists show themselves to be cowards, simply unwilling to defend the importance of what Wikileaks is doing. Too afraid to seriously challenge the Washington line. Shameful: Not so long ago, WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange could count on American journalists to support his campaign to…

America’s Left far too blinded by inaction and fear

Ralph Nader hits the nail on the head time and time again: The more outrageous the Republicans become, the weaker the left becomes. The more outrageous they become, the more the left has to accept the slightly less outrageous corporate Democrats… The left has nowhere to go. Obama knows it. The corporate Democrats know it.…

Giffords felt the hatred against her for a while

The horror shooting of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords of Arizona is a tragic reminder of the kind of heated rhetoric and violent threats unleashed in America over the last years. Just last year she spoke of these threats and included Sarah Palin in her accusations. America is increasingly a nation to be pitied rather than admired:…

Israel seems to ignore everybody including the men bringing the aid

God help the Middle East when the US offers some pathetic responses. Scott McConnell reports for Mondoweiss: Just had a Jerusalem meeting with a US government official. Inevitably, as our group is a delegation from Churches for Middle East Peace, someone asks, “What can we do back home to most effectively advance the peace process?”… …

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