The new frontier; private firms making money in apartheid West Bank

One: The Danish-British security firm G4S recently confirmed in a letter its involvement in the Israeli occupation and violations of international law — reported on last month by The Electronic Intifada. After the publication of The Electronic Intifada’s report on 15 December 2010, the Business & Human Rights Resource Centre asked G4S to respond to…

Department of Justice selective outrage over Wikileaks

Here’s the hypocrisy. If Iran demanded Twitter release direct messages of a user, the US government would be outraged. But of course double-standards are the name of the game here: A member of parliament in Iceland who is also a former WikiLeaks volunteer says the US justice department has ordered Twitter to hand over her…

Washington doesn’t care too much about certain leaks

So I presume Donald Rumsfeld will be prosecuted for releasing classified documents? Details of Donald Rumsfeld‘s forthcoming book tour are out, as the former defense secretary plans to sit for a series of interviews with ABC News in early February, the network announced Thursday. Rumsfeld — who served as defense secretary in two administrations —…

Assange and Mugabe aren’t sharing drinks at sunset

Oh the irony. A former Bush administration official – didn’t their democracy work bring so much happiness to the world? – slams Wikileaks and Julian Assange for allegedly helping Robert Mugabe cement his dictatorship in Zimbabwe by the release of some sensitive cables. Michael Gerson seems to misunderstand the process here. Wikileaks didn’t recklessly release…

What is the role of the state when “secrets” are revealed?

Leakers pay a price in American culture. The greatest fear of Washington is thinking individuals inside government who know some things are simply wrong; a moral conscience is the only way forward: A former CIA officer has been indicted on charges of disclosing national security secrets after being accused of leaking classified information about Iran…

If you’re Iranian and don’t love Israel, watch out

This is all too comical and pathetic and yet this is what has happened to some of my people. Outright hatred and bigotry in the service of Zionism: Here’s something curious, via the National Iranian American Council (NIAC). It seems Stanford professor Jeffrey Ullman harbors some antipathy toward Iranian students as evinced by his negative…

Would you like privatised jail care, man?

Privatised prisons are a growing blight on the Western world. Governments love them because they pass responsibility to somebody else. But when profits come before care, the system is sick: Arnold Porter was serious, and seriously worried. He was dizzy and short of breath, he told Dr. William Sightler, with a crushing, tightening sensation in…

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