Australian Jews play victim card again over prisonerx case

The following story appears in Israel’s leading online news service, Ynet: Australian Jews express concern over Zygier affair; ‘this is our Pollard affair,’ says Jewish lawyer. Jewish activist Antony Loewenstein: This is a wake up call, Jews should reexamine stance on Israel, IDF service MELBOURNE – The “Prisoner X” affair has raised concerns in the…

How being a “Jewish, democratic state” is a contradiction

Ben White, Al Jazeera English: Yet the ADL [Anti-Defamation League], and every other pro-Israel group in the West – including self-professed “liberals” – fail to see the inconsistency in calling a KKK member’s demand for America to “remain a white-dominated country” abhorrent, while Israel “remaining a Jewish country” is a “red line”, consensus issue.

The normalisation of Israeli criminality

The latest developments in the case of Prisoner X continues to reverberate around the world (though as many Palestinians are rightly say, where’s the equal attention on the countless Palestinians held for years illegally in Israel’s administrative detention system?) Some of the latest on Prisoner X here, here and here. The New York Times: The…

I don’t believe in apartheid but…

Great comments, via Mondoweiss: Reader JH sends along: Story of the Good White Southerner (circa 1950) I am a good White person. I believe in a separate but equal society. My red line is the separate part, because those agitating to allow Coloreds to eat in the same restaurant and ride in the same part…

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