What “5 Broken Cameras” shows about reality of Israeli fascism in Palestine

Last night I saw the acclaimed documentary, 5 Broken Cameras,… at Australia’s only documentary film festival, Antenna. It’s about Palestine, the non-violent resistance movement against the IDF and settlements and the grinding, daily brutality of the Israeli occupation. Here’s a piece about the film in the New York Times and an interview with the Palestinian and…

“After Zionism” contributor imagines Abrahamic state for Middle East

In my recently released book, After Zionism, there’s a range of views that don’t fit neatly into traditional categories. On yesterday’s ABC Radio National’s Religion and Ethics Report… with Andrew West, one of the book’s contributors offered his vision: There is a stalemate in the Middle East – no longer any tangible peace process between Israel…

If Europe was serious, boycotting Zionist colonies is just the beginning

Typically astute Gideon Levy column in Haaretz: Europe is waking up. The foreign ministers of that continent will soon issue regulations that will oblige products from the settlements to be marked as such. Good morning, Europe. Jerusalem, as usual, is fuming; it always fumes when anyone dares to mention the settlements. Jerusalem is in favor…

Don’t think Zionist propaganda isn’t still creating quasi-robots in the US

Although debate in America is undeniably becoming far more nuanced when it comes to Israel/Palestine, many young Jews continue advocating for the delusional “dream” of a Jewish, democratic state, seemingly ignoring the reality of the occupation on both Palestinians and the Zionist soul. Here’s JTA: Jewish student leaders may be strident in their Israel advocacy,…

Calling it apartheid because that’s what it is

Mustafa Barghouti in Al-Ahram Weekly: What we need to do in Palestine is to develop a better knowledge and understanding of the system of slavery that Israel created, and that some of us do not see, whether out of ignorance, out of fear, or out of a sense of impotence in the face of this…

What I discovered as a Middle East correspondent

Independent journalist Donald MacIntyre has written a reflection on his eight years reporting Israel/Palestine: As the world concentrates on the Israeli Prime Minister’s new “red line” for an Iran strike, Jewish settlement in the West Bank accelerates apace. Settler leader Dani Dayan offered, in a recent New York Times article, a panglossian picture of the…

“After Zionism” reviewed in Arab News

The following review by Neil Berry appears in the Arab News: The mainstream Western media is losing its luster as rising numbers turn to alternative sources of news and opinion. Especially this applies to those concerned with the Palestine-Israel conflict. Students of the conflict increasingly straddle parallel universes, the world of conventional media and an…

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